Garbage and Recycling

The City of Little Falls provides garbage and recycling services to 1 and 2 unit residential properties.


32 or 64 gallon carts for garbage collection have been distributed. Residents are asked to place their garbage in a bag (i.e. tall kitchen bags, grocery bag, etc.) that is cinched or tied closed and then placed inside the cart. Hazardous materials and loose garbage are not permitted. For the occasional times residents have extra garbage (i.e. holidays, etc.), special bags for overflow garbage are sold at City Hall for $4.00 each. Garbage carts must not be overfilled; the lid must be closed; and garbage must not be packed so tightly that the canister cannot be emptied. Carts should be placed in the boulevard (not street) by 6:00 a.m. the morning of collection. Carts may be put out after 5:00 p.m. the evening prior to your collection day and brought in by 9:00 p.m. on collection day. Please leave a three foot radius around the cart (i.e. clear of mailboxes, parked vehicles, etc.), as the garbage trucks have a hydraulic arm which lifts the carts. Follow this link to see your garbage day.


Recycling is picked up every other Wednesday or Thursday, based on the property address. Residents must use a City recycling cart (green lid). Recycling carts must be placed at the curb by 6:00 a.m. on the scheduled pick-up day. Click here to see a recycling calendar and the requirements.

Please Note:

The recycling hauler cannot pick up your recycling if the can is overfull, lid is not shut, or contains non-recyclable items:

Some non-recyclable items that have been in cans often include:

- Yard Waste

- Styrofoam

- Construction Debris

- Bagged items

Please do not bag your recycling! Recyclables cannot be bagged and must be loose!

If in doubt, throw it out!

2024 Recycling Calendar

Cans Available

In order from left to right: 64 Gallon Recycling Can (Green Lid), 64 Gallon Garbage Can, and 32 Gallon Garbage Can

Morrison County Compost/Landfill Information

Morrison County Compost Site

1208 West River Road (south of the Morrison County Public Works building)

  • Compost ONLY available at this site
  • Always open
  • This site has finished compost available for all Morrison County residents to self-load and haul away
  • Christmas trees may be dropped off following the holiday. ALL items (including lights, ornaments, and stand) must be removed

Morrison County Landfill Site

17502 Iris Road (207 miles east of Highway 10 on Iris Road)

  • Open Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
  • Contact number is (320) 632-1944
  • Hazardous Household Waste available for drop off April 15 through September 30 annually
  • Brush only free to residents delivering 10 cubic yards or less per visit
  • There is a fee for brush loads of 10 cubic yards or more and commercial loads
  • Christmas trees may also be dropped off

When is my pick-up day?

Map of Little Falls

Not sure what day your garbage or recycling is scheduled to be picked up? Please click here and select Garbage Pick Up and/or Recycling Pick Up on the left hand side of the page within the Layer List.

Recycling Guidelines

To review the recycling guidelines, please click here!

Recycling Rejection Notice